Thursday, January 22, 2015

Fallen Crest High By: Tijan

I discovered Fallen Crest High by Tijan on Amazon it was a free book so I thought well if I don’t like it I wont be mad because the price was right. Well I fell in love with it. It’s a story about a girl Sam whose world gets turned upside down in a blink of an eye. Her mom tells her there leaving her dad to move in with her boyfriend James Kade. James has two sons Mason and Logan Kade that everyone knows aether they hate them or want to hang with them and the girls all want to sleep with them. On top of being ripped from the home she knows she finds out her boyfriend of 3 years has been cheating on her with her best friend and her other best friend has known the whole time. When things get tough for Sam she goes running for hours at a time just to escape everything going on around her.Sam goes to a privet school that her dad pays for and he also is the football coach for the school. Mason and Logan go to public which the kids from Sam’s school hate that they did not go there instead cause they are beast on the football field.    She hates living where she does her mom is a bitch to her and to top it off there’s Mason and Logan who she thinks hates her but she fills the same so she thinks. She soon finds out her dad aint her dad and things with her and Mason heat up. People soon find out she’s not only living with Mason and Logan but also sleeping with Mason. Now everyone wants to be her friend even her old best friends are trying to talk to her the schools “Elite” want her to join but Sam tells all them to fuck off. She becomes friends with a girl Becky who is her ex’s cousin and her neighbor Adam likes Sam  but she don’t feel the same. She loves Mason too much Nothing is going to keep them apart not even her crazy mother to everyone wanting to get in the way of her and Mason.
that is my brief description of the book
I could not put this book down Tijan writes great books she makes you feel your apart of them. You feel for these characters with everything that they go though.  You will not be disappointed in this book
you can find the e book on Amazon US
you can also check out Tijan’s facebook page
thank you for reading

Cinder & Ella By: Kelly Oram

Cinder & Ella is the story two anonymous e-mail friends Cinder458 (Brian Oliver) and EllaTheRealHero (Ellamare Rodriguez). Ella and Cinder met 2 years ago when he came across her blog Ellamara’s World Of Wisdom it’s a book/movie review. She only knows his as Cinder she does not know he’s the famous movie star Brian Oliver. The story starts with Ella telling us how her dad had an affair and left her mom when she was only 8 years old.Ella lives in Boston with her mom. On her 18th birthday her mom surprised her with a ski trip to Vermont. Her mom is driving and Ella is IM’ing Cinder she never seen the truck hit the black ice and hit there car. Ella woke up 3 days later in the burn unite and found her mother had died. She had spent a total of 8 months in the hospital with a total of 17 surgery’s. She had burns over 70% of her body and the doctors told her it would be a miracle if she ever walks again. She does but only with the help of a cane

Almost a year later she is forced to move in with her dad and his new family in LA. Her step mom acted like she was scared to talk to her. Her twin step sisters were mean to her always saying mean things to her. To top it off she has to repeat her Senior year. Her dad is forcing her to attend the privet school her step sisters go to. With everyone steering at her or picking on her.
Cinder (Brian) has just finished filming the Cinder Chronicles and Is shocked when he gets an email from Ella the two start talking again over the internet. Things are fine until Ella get’s a Birthday shout out from Mr. Brian Oliver himself. Things get crazy from there Ella get’s a chance to meet the panel for the upcoming Cinder Chronicles when she and some friends go to Fantasy-Con. She comes face to face with Brian Oliver not knowing he is her Cinder. She tells him off just like she did Cinder about the book. Brian is arguing with her back thinking this girl reminds him of his Ella something clicks in both of them when Cinder told her to say car for him.They still go though there ups and downs before they get there Happy ever after

This book takes you though Ella’s ups and downs she struggles with losing her mom and moving in with her dad. Ella is a strong girl this book made me feel for her with everything going on. I love how she had one friend she could count on at first then walks in Vivian a girl her step sister Juliette introduced to each other. And Rob the boy who wants to be there for Ella.

I really enjoyed this book I laughed and even cried Kelly Oram did a great job with this book

Between Now & Never By: Laura Johnston

What do you do when you wake up in the hospital and don't remember how you got there or anything that happened. Meet Cody he can't seem to remember what happened that night or who the girl is in the picture he had in his wallet. His family tells him he got caught in a dust storm and was hit my a car. "I try to pull a piece of my memory back into place.Senior year. New School. New Team. The Reebok Classic Breakaway camp. hows my leg" Cody. Now he'll left to deal with being in a cast not being able to play basket ball, physical therapy and wanting to remember what happened that night. And why is Vic  keeping his distance from me.

In walks Julianna the girl that can help him remember but she does not want any part of him. His dad is the reason her family is torn apart. Her mom is in jail her dad is a struggling artist and her brother she's hopping is not back on drugs and Julianna is trying to stay afloat. Cody just needs her to tutor him in art he even offered to pay her but at first she tells him no. But with money so tight she ends up doing it she needs the extra money she promised her mom she would do the pageant. Soon they realized they ore helping each other little by little Cody starts to remembers that night and hoe he must protect Julianna.

This is a sweet book about two people who need each other and help each other with what life has dealt them  and in the middle of all the things going on  found love  in the one person both there family's tell them to stay away from.